Monday, August 5, 2013

The Breakup

Dear Blogspot,
We’re done.
Don’t get me wrong. You’re a nice website, and you host nice blogs. I hope someday you might, I don’t know, revive or something. Make some nice blogger really happy.
But I’m tired of the way you treat me. I’ve spent hours pouring into this relationship, touching up themes, tweaking font sizes and colors, and revising copy with all I had in me. And what did you give me? Silence. When I laid my career on the line, you gave me the cold shoulder. Over and over and over.
We’ve been at this for years, Blogspot. I can’t take it anymore.
The bottom line is, Blogspot, I’m leaving you. And we’re done for good this time.
Is there someone else? Yes. His name’s WordPress, and he’s alive and active and he works to benefit me, too. And thanks to his efforts multitudes of readers and writers come look at my work, and I look at their work, and we all benefit each other. Basically, things work the way a relationship like this is supposed to work. And we’re very, very happy.
So we’re done, Blogspot. Don’t come back for me. We’re never ever ever ever getting back together. Et cetera and so forth and so on.

Check out the happily ever after here: ...I’m joking about the bitterness but not about the breakup. I’m a WordPresser now. New posts forthcoming there.

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